Helping to raise awareness & funds for 'Beyond Blue' in October 2023.
We're bombarded with so much information that it's very easy to skim over suicide statistics but when you hear the news of a young person in your community taking their life earlier this year, it really shocks you as this is not just a number it's somebody's child, family member and friend who has taken drastic action which is incredibly sad and devastating.
October 2023 is Mental Health Month and Hydro Masters Plumbing is wanting to promote the great support service that Beyond Blue provides and try to help raise funds so that they can continue to support all people in Australia to achieve best possible mental health and prevent suicide. It is so important to fight the stigma of mental health and create greater awareness of support services, in particular Beyond Blue, so that if someone is feeling overwhelmed, alone and doesn't know what to do, they know that there is support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Beyond Blue provides free and confidential counselling with a mental health professional which is provided via phone or web chat. Much more information about this support service and tips about looking after your mental health can be found at
Our goal is to collectively fundraise $500 this October for BEYOND BLUE so a fundraising page has been set up for this month only!
If you would like to contribute then you can find our fundraising page here
Beyond Blue Fundraiser - October 2023
All donations over $2 are tax deductible & all funds raised go to Beyond Blue directly!