What is The 'Right' Water Pressure?
The Australian Plumbing Standard: AS/NZS 3500.1:2021, clause 3.3.4 states that water at any outlet, other than a fire service outlet within a building shall not exceed a static pressure of 500 kPa.
High water pressure can be damaging to household plumbing and tap ware. Pipes can crack and leak under high pressure resulting in major property damage. Warranty for tap ware may become void if the household water pressure exceeds 500 kPA. Hence, the maximum static water pressure for residential homes is 500 kPa (kilopascal).
As stated on the Victorian Building Authority website, high water pressures greater than 500 kPa can result in:
- Failure of piping and appliances, leading to property damage.
Excessive noise in the water supply system (water hammer).
- Excessive water usage.
- Voiding of appliance warranties and property insurance
Hydro Masters Plumbing recently attended a residential property where the home owner reported a burst water pipe in their home. A pressure gauge was connected to the water meter outlet at the property boundary and the reading was found to be over 500 kPa. The burst pipe was replaced and an adjustable pressure reducing valve was installed at the water meter so now the entire water supply to this property meets Australia Industry Standards.
Low water pressure is not ideal either, especially for showers and filling up the kitchen sink to wash dishes. Low water pressure can also be indicative of other household plumbing issues depending on the nature and severity.
Low water pressure might be the result of one or more of the following factors:
- clogged pipes, tap fittings or showerheads; corroded pipes, leaking taps & pipes, broken or faulty fixtures, a fault in the pressure regulator or an issue with the main water shut off valve.
Not too high and not too low, it's about having the 'Right' or the 'Goldilocks' level of water pressure for the plumbing, fixtures & appliances in your home to provide optimal water flow rate and water efficiency.